Heather Scarecrow Festival 2016
I visited the village of Heather to see the Heather Scarecrow Festival now in its 18th year the event sees the small Leicestershire village invaded by scarecrows of many types a number depicting current events, persons and themes in popular culture. Among those depicted this year where
Boris Johnson and David Cameron,
Gary Lineker,
Mr Bean,
LCFC's Jamie Vardy and several inspired by British astronaut Tim Peake.
My short film aims to give the viewer a flavor of the event and by no means features every scarecrow which usually total 60+ in number.
The event runs from 11am Sunday 31st July through to 6pm Sunday 7th August 2016 entry is free but visitors are encouraged to purchase a £2 Scarecrow guide from Heather St Johns Football Club or the village hall where parking and refreshments can also be found the guide lists the scarecrows locations around the village and also features a handy map.
for further information on the event please visit www.heatherscarecrowfestival.com.
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