Chinese New Year in Leicester Highcross Showcase

The Chinese New Year celebrations delivered by cosmopolitan arts in #Leicester come to the Highcross Shopping Center with a showcase of Chinese culture from fan dances to the "flying dragon" and traditional instruments performed by various groups including The Confucius Institute, The Chinese Whispers Ensemble and Leicester based Dance and Martial Arts Group ITSWA among others.
The film starts at the Highcross Beacons which are displaying an animation themed on the New Year of the Snake, we then arrive at the showcase where a fan dance is underway and the crowds are gathering to watch. Next up we have flying dragon displays of two types and more fan dancing. Moving to the side of the performance area we find MrCleavers Monsters creating "Little Dragons" with a "make and take" workshop for children can you spot his amazing dragons getting ready for the next days parade ?. Back in the showcase there`s traditional Lion Dance with the sound of the traditional drum bringing a lively energy to the performance. Things take a calmer feel as flute music is performed on the stage and a beautiful flowing dance performed to the sound of a Chinese stringed instrument. We end the showcase with s ribbon dance performed much to the delight of watching children. Happy New Year of the Snake 
