Newbold Verdon Christmas tree festival

At Newbold Verdon Baptist Church village community groups, individuals and business come together to decorate Christmas trees for the annual Christmas tree festival.
We begin outside the church and make our way inside where the trees are lined up along either side of the room with a theme of carols there`s a holly and the ivy tree by Coffee house Liberteas, a we three kings themed tree by Newbold Knitting Group, the BBC Make A Difference Winning Newbold Community Christian Choir have created a tree featuring all the members as angels. There is a loving tribute to Mr Barry Phillips a truly community minded man who the village lost this year after a battle with cancer in the form of a Muppets Christmas Carol tree, (Barry was a big fan of Disney films and The Muppets). Various other trees from the Scouts, Guides, Craft groups and more also fill the room.
